2025 Race Entry Information
Individual Age Categories
14 – 18yrs | 19 – 29yrs | 30 – 39yrs
40 – 49yrs | 50 – 59yrs | 60yrs+
(Age is calculated as at 31st Dec 2024)
Open (Male & Female) - This category is for competitive Triathletes of any age. It is the first 2 waves of the event. Entrants in the Open category cannot claim prizes in any other age group category.
Teams Categories
Female - 14yrs +
Male - 14yrs +
Mixed - 14yrs +
Family - 14yrs +
The teams category is completed as a relay. One person does the swim, one does the cycle and one does the run.
The timing band (which is strapped to your leg with velcro) is passed to the next team member like a baton.
Teams can consist of 2 or 3 competitors. In a Team of 2 - One competitor will complete two legs of the Triathlon (this can be in any combination)
Family category - members must be from the same family.....get your kids/parents/aunts, cousins etc. together and compete for the "Lachie Ricchini Memorial Award", Trophy and Cash prizes for Top 3 teams
Individual entry inclusions:
13th Beach Health Services clinic voucher
Access to FREE 8 week training program
Access to FREE beginner clinics run by Beckworth Racing
Free “Barwon Heads Tri” event t-shirt, if entered before 1/2.
Barwon Heads Tri swim cap
Race split results on event day
Finisher certificate
Beautiful race venue
Safe and professionally managed event
Total road closures for cycle leg
Post race fruit and refreshments
Opportunity for a post race massage by 13th Beach Health Services
Category winner prizes
Team entry inclusions:
13th Beach Health Services clinic voucher
Access to FREE 8 week Training Program
Access to FREE beginner clinics run by Beckworth Racing
Barwon Heads Tri swim cap
Race split results on event day
Beautiful race venue
Safe and professionally managed event
Total road closures for cycle leg
Finisher certificates
Post race fruit and refreshments
Opportunity for a post race massage by 13th Beach Health Services
Category winner prizes
2025 Race Entry Prices
Adult - Early Bird - SOLD OUT
2nd release- SOLD OUT
3rd release - SOLD OUT
Junior (14-18yrs) - until 1/12/24
Junior Team (14-18yrs)
Entry Prices are Inclusive of GST, Booking and Bank Fees
Non TA (Triathlon Australia) members will be charged an extra $4.50 for TA race day insurance.
Teams entry includes TA race day insurance.
LATE ENTRIES - (if available)
To read our waiver click here
Refund Policy
The 'Barwon Heads Triathlon' entry fees, once paid and processed, are not refundable other than in exceptional circumstances.
All requests for refunds must be in writing by emailing swsportevents@gmail.com, setting out the exceptional circumstances claimed.
The following fees will be applied to cancellations:
1. A $15 cancellation fee will be incurred if you withdraw before the 1/01/25
2. A $25 cancellation fee will be incurred if you withdraw between 2/01/25 and the 1/02/25
3. No refunds will be available after 1st of February 2025
4. Entries are transferable if required to the 2026 Event. A request for a transfer must be in writing by emailing swsportevents@gmail.com by 12th of February 2025. All transfers will incur a $25 transfer fee.